A Little About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I'm Ali. I'm a reader and I enjoy blogging about books.
My loves are reading, crocheting, tea, yarn, my boyfriend, Arizona Watermelon juice, chevron, mint green, and sleeping.
My blog is currently under construction to become a true masterpiece, so please breathe through the process with me, I'm a perfectionist.
I'm a full time student currently in high school and college. I'm a licensed Nail Technician, so thing's can also get pretty hectic.
Life likes to get in the way and I have quite a large stack of books. I read as much as I can in my free time, so please work with me on scheduling. If you've sent me a book and haven't heard anything back from me for a while, give me a holler, I probably have it written down, just not published.

I like to put blog buttons up of blogs I like, but feel free to ask about ad space! It will be free and it's a great way to promote your blog!

Authors/Publishing houses:
I would LOVE to review your book! But please, to give you a fair review, I only like to read books that are in genres I like. So go check out my Review Policy!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


  1. Awesome Blog, I'm a new follower that found you through a Goodreads thread, I really look forward to your posts and I hope I can see you back at my site :)



  2. Hi! My friend and I are new in the blog community and I was searching for bookblogs and found yours on Goodreads and I love it!! It's really cute and it looks great! Can't wait to read your reviews! We have a bookblog and we're still building it just like you! Can you go check it out ? :)


    thank you!!!

  3. Hey! I've nominated you for a couple awards. Check out the link below the more details.



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