Read in: October, 2012
Format: Hardback, 215 pages
Source: Public Library
Star Rating: ★★★★
Synopsis:Ashley Hannigan is a new kind of character. She's tough, bold, and that Irish temper flames through her personality. But her caring heart has her help out her best friend, Nat. Nat is short for Natalia, a little Russian girl with a crazy sewing Grandma and a struggling single father. She's head of the Prom committee is a lot soft around the edges while Ashley is a fighter.
In Ashley's viewpoint, the school is split not between popular kids and dorks, but instead by the normal kids, read: at-risk, and the smart kids. The smart kids will make it somewhere. The normal kids will stay stuck in this poverty ridden, drug pumping, low income neighborhood. But Prom is the one event where all kids come together- even if Ashley will refuse to go. But she's not above helping out..if only a little.
TJ is a POS. Ashley is ungrateful through a lot of the story, which really grated on my nerves.
Her mother, though well intention, is a little much, in a cute overly pregnant kind of way. Her family is so adorable. The writing is humorous and I loved her attitude throughout it all. But most of all, her sense of direction changed and it was heartfelt. Before, she as content with living with TJ, getting knocked up young, and struggling the rest of her life. But at the end, she was really working towards a goal.. besides getting excited for a new and air conditioned costume at the EZ-CHEEZ-E.
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